中國醫藥大學醫學院 111學年度第一學期全英語授課(EMI)教學回饋調查問卷/ China Medical University EMI Course Survey (Fall Semester, 2022-2023 Academic Year)

為了解本校醫學院學生修讀全英語授課(English as a Medium of Instruction, EMI)學習情形,特舉辦期末問卷拿好禮活動,期望透過同學們的回饋意見, 了解同學們對全英語授課(EMI)課程的看法。同學們寶貴的意見將是本院推動雙語化學習和建立國際化友善校園的重要參考依據。
To facilitate a better understanding of the EMI (English as a medium of instruction) courses learning situation of our students, we are inviting the students of the College of Medicine to complete the following survey. Our students' valuable feedback will serve as an important reference for promoting bilingual education and establishing an international-friendly campus in the future.


好禮說明:前70名填寫問卷的同學可獲得100元超商禮物卡 (限111學年度第一學期修讀之EMI課程。每位同學最多可填寫2門EMI課程, 每堂EMI課程限填一次。敬請於問卷最後填寫真實姓名和聯絡方式)
註: 獲獎學生名單將於1/13(五)公告於醫學院網站,並將Email通知信給獲獎同學。獲獎者須於1/17(二)前填寫領據,並繳交或郵寄領據至醫學院辦公室 ( 英才校區基礎醫學大樓四樓)。未於1/17(二)前完成繳交領據之獲獎者,將視同放棄獲獎資格。
Please fill out the following survey and the first 70 students can get a gift card.
Activity Period: Now until January 12th, 2023 (Thursday)
Gift Description: $100 convenience store gift card for the first 70 students who fill out the survey. 

(limited to the EMI courses taken in the fall semester of 2022-2023 academic year. Each student can submit up to 2 surveys.)
Note: The list of recipients will be announced on the webpage of the College of Medicine on Jan 13th and a notification letter will be emailed to the recipients. Recipients must complete a payment receipt and submit it to the Office of College of Medicine (4F,  Medical Building, Yingcai Campus) before Jan 17th (Tue). Recipients who do not submit their receipts by Jan 17th (Tue) will be disqualified from getting the gift card.

註: EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction)課程係指在英語非母語的教育機構 (non-English speaking institutions),例如臺灣大專校院,提供全英語授課的專業領域課程。課程的內容傳遞、師生互動、學習及學術支持教材、學習成果展示與評量100%使用英語。學生在分組時之互動,可使用其他語言,以利彼此間的理解與創意發想,確保至少70%班級溝通是以英文進行。EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) courses refer to professional field courses taught entirely in English at non-English speaking institutions, such as Taiwan's colleges and universities. The content delivery, student-teacher interaction, learning, and academic support materials, and presentation and assessment of learning outcomes are 100% in English. Students may use other languages in group interaction to facilitate mutual understanding and creative thinking and to ensure that at least 70% of class communication is conducted in English.

主辦單位: 中國醫藥大學醫學院
協辦單位: 中國醫藥大學雙語教學推動資源中心
Organizer: China Medical University College of Medicine
Co-organizer: China Medical University Bilingual Education Center

活動洽詢 Contact:
Office of the BEST Program, College of Medicine, China Medical University
TEL:(04)2205-3366 ext. 2191 (Ms. Chen)