112-1中國醫藥大學 醫學院「培力英檢說寫測驗」暨「多益聽讀測驗」校園考前密集線上準備班
BESTEP Speaking and Writing and TOEIC Listening and Reading Online Preparation Course
課程報名網址: https://forms.gle/pDUbfBviD2Ysk2QD6
研習時間 Time:
(1) 4堂培力英檢(BESTEP)說寫線上準備班(11/9~11/30,每週四傍晚 17:00~19:00,共計8小時)
(2) 4堂TOEIC線上聽讀準備班(11/10~12/1,每週五傍晚 17:00~19:00,共計8小時)
研習地點 Classroom: 全程線上課程 Google Meet (*將由教師提供Google Meet連結)
研習教師 Instructor: 林依蓉老師
教師學歷: 國立台灣師範大學英語系 英美文學博士
1.國立中興大學、國立台中 教育大學助理教授。
2.東海大學推廣部多益860 高階班、多益650中階班、 暑期托福密集班講師。
3.中興大學推廣部雅思班、 文法加強班講師。
一、研習目標Course Objectives /研習簡介Course Description |
主要教材及參考用書Reference |
1. 培力英檢教材: https://bestep.tw/Resource/page?id=49bb2eacf7b24ef2841df76913fa4ee8 2. Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test: Advanced Course (6th Edition) |
三、培力說寫測驗準備班研習進度BESTEP Course Schedule |
週別 Week |
日期 Date |
主題 Topic |
內容範圍 Schedule |
一 |
2023/11/9(四) 17:00~19:00 |
Speaking Parts One and Two |
Question types and evaluation criteria, how to answer questions about one’s study, how to give opinions about things related to school life |
二 |
2023/11/16(四) 17:00~19:00 |
Speaking Parts Two and Three |
Question types and evaluation criteria, how to give a summary of information provided and make a comment |
三 |
2023/11/23(四) 17:00~19:00 |
Writing Parts One and Two |
Question types and evaluation criteria, how to respond to school-related information and write about topics concerning school life, how to write letters or short essays to give your ideas about some topics related to study or school |
四 |
2023/11/30(四) 17:00~19:00 |
Writing Parts Two and Three |
Question types and evaluation criteria, give a summary of information about school and learning and present your own ideas |
注意事項: Notice /研習先備能力Prerequisites: 有意了解和精進培力英檢說寫應試技巧者。
四、多益聽讀測驗準備班研習進度TOEIC Course Schedule |
週別 Week |
日期 Date |
主題 Topic |
內容範圍 Schedule |
一 |
2023/11/10(五) 17:00~19:00 |
Parts 1 and 2 |
test strategies for Part 1, homophones, minimal pairs, varieties of English, test strategies for Part 2, types of questions and responses, how to avoid seemingly correct answer choices |
二 |
2023/11/17(五) 17:00~19:00 |
Parts 3 and 4 |
test strategies for Part 3, how to scan and make use of the clues in the questions, test strategies for Part 4, major types of short talks and useful expressions |
三 |
2023/11/24(五) 17:00~19:00 |
Parts 5 and 6 |
test strategies for Part 5, question types, test strategies for Part 6, how to choose a sentence to complete a passage |
四 |
2023/12/1(五) 17:00~19:00 |
Parts 7 |
test strategies for Part 7, question types, types of passages |
注意事項: Notice /研習先備能力Prerequisites (1) 有意參加多益測驗,英檢約中級~中高級程度者 (2) 曾參加多益測驗,程度約500~700分者 (3) 有意精進多益應試技巧者 |