中國醫藥大學醫學院10/16(三) 下午 「全英語沉浸式EMI課程體驗週系列活動(二)-海外職涯發展講座」 "Charting Success: My Personal Career Development Story"
Name of Activity: Charting Success: My Personal Career Development Story
我們將邀請美國各領域從業人員,如醫護人員、工程師、大學教授、心理諮商師等,與您分享美國職涯發展和跨文化職場現況。想更了解海外就業市場的您,千萬別錯過!現場更有全英語Q&A互動時間,讓您用英語與美籍講者面對面交流,深入了解美國就業市場的最新趨勢與機會! Join us as we welcome a diverse group of US professionals, such as doctor, surgeon, nurse, mechanical engineer, professor, and counselor, etc. to discuss career paths and cross-cultural work environments in the United States. Want to know more about working overseas? Don't miss this chance! There will be a live Q&A session where you can ask questions directly to American speakers and learn about the latest trends and job opportunities in the US.
Date: October 16, 2024 (Wed) 15:00~17:00
Venue: 8F, Active Learning Classroom, Huchu Building, Yingcai Campus (英才校區互助大樓8樓主動學習教室)
Application Form:
Application Deadline: October 15, 2024 (**餐點/ boxed meal will be provided)
**當天全程參加學生可獲得EMI護照點數認列2點。有關本校雙語教學推動資源中心EMI護照點數說明,請參: 中國醫藥大學EMI護照實施要點
The Office of the EMI Program,
College of Medicine, China Medical University
TEL: 04-22053366 ext.2191/ ext. 2135
EMAIL: (Ms. Chen)/ (Ms. Lee)