中國醫藥大學醫學院112學年度第二學期「全英語金頭腦科研計畫簡報競賽」Golden Brain Research Proposal Presentation Competition 2024
All-English Golden Brain Research Proposal Presentation Competition 2024
College of Medicine, China Medical University
Information for Participants
In order to cultivate students’ English presentation skills and stimulate their creativity, the College of Medicine will hold an "All-English Golden Brain Research Presentation Competition". Students can present various research topics, such as life science, social science, ethical issues, or medical technology, etc. Under the guidance of their advisors, students’ research skills and international competitiveness will be cultivated. In addition, this competition aims to encourage potential students to join the MD/PhD program and cultivate future international research leaders.
主辦單位: 中國醫藥大學醫學院雙語計畫專案辦公室
協辦單位: 中國醫藥大學雙語教學推動資源中心
Organizer: Office of the BEST Project, College of Medicine, China Medical University
Co-organizer: Bilingual Education Center, China Medical University
競賽日期: 2024年5月3日(五)上午10:00~12:00
競賽場地: 英才校區醫學大樓六樓601專業教室 (解剖學階梯教室)
Date of competition: May 3, 2024 (Fri), 10:00am~12:00pm
Venue: 6F, Classroom 601, Professional Classroom of School of Medicine, Medical Building, Yingcai Campus
2)碩士生: 具有個人研究成果者之碩士生(簡報內容以個人研究計畫為限)
四、本次競賽限定10組;若超過10組報名,將另進行初選公告。【註: 研究計畫書面資料須為PDF檔,並且不得超過3頁以上,如超過3頁,將不具初選資格。計畫書內容須以全英語呈現、字體大小為14字元、Times New Roman、行距1.15,並說明研究背景與動機(research background and motivation)、研究目的(research objectives)、研究方法(research methodology)、預期成果(expected outcomes)和文獻參考或參考書目(reference or bibliography)】。研究計畫書格式下載
1. Students can apply individually or in groups (within 5 students)
1) Undergraduate students:
(i) Students who have taken or are taking "independent research" or "special research" at the College of Medicine, or
(ii) Students who have taken or are taking English as a medium of instruction (EMI) courses.
2) Master students: Master students with personal research outcomes (presentation content is limited to personal research proposal).
Note: Master students and undergraduate students are also encouraged to form teams to participate in the competition.
2. Students can apply individually or in groups (within 5 students). Each student can only participate in one group, and each group must have a group leader. Group members and topics cannot be changed after the application deadline. The competition is limited to 10 groups; if more than 10 teams apply, a preliminary selection announcement will be made. (Note: The research proposal should be in PDF, Times New Roman, 14-point font size, 1.15 line spacing, and no more than three pages. If your research proposal exceeds 3 pages, you will be disqualified from the preliminary selection. The research proposal should include: research background and motivation, research objectives, research methodology, expected outcomes, and reference or bibliography.) Download Research Proposal Format
時間: 即日起至2024年4月25日(四)下午5:00止
【Online Application】: Please fill out the following form and submit the research proposal and presentation slides to before April 25, 2024 (5:00 pm)
Application website:
- 參賽順序由主辦單位抽號決定。(將於2024年5月2日公告比賽流程表)。
- 競賽方式:總分100分,由決賽團隊進行現場全英語口頭簡報,每組以5分鐘為限,包含口頭報告時間3分鐘,Q&A時間2分鐘。(以屆時公告為主)
- 除英文口頭簡報之外,也可使用任何創意器材輔具,但請留意時間。
- 比序同分時由評審決議,並依評審宣布之結果為最終決定。
- 各組需於繳件截止日2024年4月25日(四)下午5點前,由組長寄送研究計劃書電子檔(PDF)和競賽簡報PPT電子檔至,檔案繳交後不得變更,競賽當日將以該資料進行評比。敬請以英文撰寫研究計劃書和呈現競賽簡報內容。
- 競賽日期:2024年5月3日(五)上午10:00~12:00
- 競賽場地 : 英才校區醫學大樓六樓601專業教室 (解剖學階梯教室)
- 評分說明:
評分項目 |
比重 |
評分重點 |
主題構想 |
20% |
主題明確、新穎創新 技術性、獨特性及競爭優勢 |
研究過程 |
15% |
研究方法 研究信效度 組員專長分工 |
研究結果 |
15% |
不可替代性 實際執行面向 |
簡報內容完整性 |
20% |
資料內容是否具有整體性 |
口頭報告 |
30% |
簡報內容、應答能力、時間掌握、台風表現、英文流利度、創意力等 |
100% |
- 評審委員: 由醫學院院長推選醫學院教師組成競賽評審小組。
- All team leaders must submit: a) a research proposal (PDF, within 3 pages), and b) presentation slides (PowerPoint electronic file) to before the deadline (5:00 pm, April 25, 2024). The files submitted will be used for evaluation on the day of the competition; therefore, no modification can be made after submission.
- Date of competition: May 3, 2024 (Fri), 10:00am~12:00pm
- Venue: 6F, Classroom 601, Professional Classroom of School of Medicine, Medical Building, Yingcai Campus
- Competition explanation: The total score is 100%. Each team needs to deliver an oral presentation in English, which is limited to 5 minutes per team, including 3 minutes for oral presentation and 2 minutes for Q&A. (Note: All presentations and Q&A sessions must be conducted in English).
Judging Criteria
Category |
Points |
Description |
Theme |
20% |
Clear and innovative theme Technicality, uniqueness and competitive advantage |
Research Process |
15% |
Research Methodology Reliability and validity of the research Division of research task based on team members’ expertise |
Research Result |
15% |
Irreplaceability practicality |
Completeness of presentation content |
20% |
Comprehensiveness of the data |
Oral presentation |
30% |
Presentation content, responsiveness, time management, stage performance, English fluency, creativity, etc. |
Total score |
100% |
名次 |
獎項 |
第1名 |
獎金10,000元整、獎狀一幀 |
第2名 |
獎金8,000元整、獎狀一幀 |
第3名 |
獎金6,000元整、獎狀一幀 |
佳作4名 |
獎金3,000元整、獎狀一幀 |
人氣獎3名 |
獎金2,000元整、獎狀一幀 |
Competition awards
All participating teams and instructors will be given a certificate of participation.
- The evaluation and awards shall be decided by the judges. The judges reserve the right of making the final decision and to award no prize.
Ranking |
Awards |
1st place |
NT$10,000 and a certificate |
2nd place |
NT$8,000 and a certificate |
3rd place |
NT$6,000 and a certificate |
4 Awards of Excellence |
NT$3,000/team and a certificate |
3 Best Popularity Awards |
NT$2,000/team and a certificate |
日期 |
內容 |
即日起至 2024年4月25日(四)下午5:00前 |
2024年4月25日(四)下午5:00前 |
繳交: 1)計劃書PDF檔 2)簡報電子檔PPT資料 |
2024年5月3日(五) |
競賽暨頒獎典禮 |
Competition Schedule
- The organizer reserves the right to modify the schedule. Any alternations will be announced on the website of the College of Medicine)
Date |
Activity |
Before April 25, 2024 (5:00 pm) |
Online Application |
Before April 25, 2024 (5:00 pm) |
Submit research proposal(PDF) and presentation slides(PPT) to |
May 3, 2024 |
Competition (oral presentation) & awards ceremony |
- If any participant is reported violating the regulations of this competition, and there are concrete facts, the participants will be disqualified for the awards.
- Due to the fairness of the competition, the teams are not allowed to change the information that have already been submitted. Please check the correctness of the information before submitting the application.
- The organizer reserves the right of making final adjustments for any defects or disputes.
**參賽學生可獲得EMI護照點數認列2點。有關本校雙語教學推動資源中心EMI護照點數說明,請參: 中國醫藥大學EMI護照實施要點
附件 Attachment
2. 研究計畫書格式 (Research Proposal Format) (WORD)
3. 研究計畫書格式 (Research Propsaol Format) (ODT)
Office of the BEST Project, College of Medicine, China Medical University
Tel: (04)2205-3366 ext. 2191 (Ms. Chen)/ ext.2135 (Ms. Lee)