The winners of the English Corner End Term Questionnaire for the 110th academic year of China Medical University

The winners of the English Corner end term questionnaire are listed below:

No. 學院 (College) 系所 (Department) 年級 (Year) 姓名 (name)
1 醫學院 College of Medicine 醫學系 大二/ sophomore 陳O翰
2 醫學院 College of Medicine 醫學系 大四或以上/ senior or above 蔡O霖
3 醫學院 College of Medicine 醫學系 大四或以上/ senior or above 邱O磊
4 中醫學院 College of Chinese Medicine 學士後中醫學系 大二/ sophomore 江O媗
5 中醫學院 College of Chinese Medicine 中醫系 大四或以上/ senior or above 黃O琪
6 中醫學院 College of Chinese Medicine 學士後中 大四或以上/ senior or above 楊O嘉
7 中醫學院 College of Chinese Medicine 中醫學系 博士班/ PhD program 楊O怡
8 藥學院 College of Pharmacy 藥學 大一/ freshman 葉O柔
9 藥學院 College of Pharmacy 藥學系 大四或以上/ senior or above 張O閎
10 牙醫學院 College of Dentistry 牙醫學系 大二/ sophomore 黃O

Awardees are requested to fill out the attached receipt and submit it or mail it to the Office of the College of Medicine (4F, Medicine Building, Yingcai Campus / Address: No. 91, Yingcai Road, North District, Taichung, 404333, Taiwan. Miss Chen) before June 20 (Mon). 

**Awardees who do not submit their receipts before June 20 will be deemed to have forfeited their eligibility for the award.


Office of EMI Program, College of Medicine, CMU